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Space Sets (v3.64.0) edition

Rule ordered_types

Sort union types and intersection types using configured order.



Whether the sorting should be case sensitive.

Allowed types: bool

Default value: false


Forces the position of null (overrides sort_algorithm).

Allowed values: 'always_first', 'always_last' and 'none'

Default value: 'always_first'


Whether the types should be sorted alphabetically, or not sorted.

Allowed values: 'alpha' and 'none'

Default value: 'alpha'


Example #1

Default configuration.

--- Original
+++ New
 try {
-} catch (\RuntimeException|CacheException $e) {
+} catch (CacheException|\RuntimeException $e) {

     throw $e;

Example #2

With configuration: ['case_sensitive' => true].

--- Original
+++ New
 interface Foo
-    public function bar(\Aaa|\AA $foo): string|int;
+    public function bar(\AA|\Aaa $foo): int|string;

Example #3

With configuration: ['null_adjustment' => 'always_last'].

--- Original
+++ New
 interface Foo
-    public function bar(null|string|int $foo): string|int;
+    public function bar(int|string|null $foo): int|string;

-    public function foo(\Stringable&\Countable $obj): int;
+    public function foo(\Countable&\Stringable $obj): int;

Example #4

With configuration: ['sort_algorithm' => 'none', 'null_adjustment' => 'always_last'].

--- Original
+++ New
 interface Bar
-    public function bar(null|string|int $foo): string|int;
+    public function bar(string|int|null $foo): string|int;

Rule sets

The rule is part of the following rule sets:

  • @PhpCsFixer

  • @Symfony with config:

    ['null_adjustment' => 'always_last', 'sort_algorithm' => 'none']


The test class defines officially supported behaviour. Each test case is a part of our backward compatibility promise.