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Persian Successor (v3.69.0) edition

Rule yoda_style

Write conditions in Yoda style (true), non-Yoda style (['equal' => false, 'identical' => false, 'less_and_greater' => false]) or ignore those conditions (null) based on configuration.



Whether variables should always be on non assignable side when applying Yoda style.

Allowed types: bool

Default value: false


Style for equal (==, !=) statements.

Allowed types: bool and null

Default value: true


Style for identical (===, !==) statements.

Allowed types: bool and null

Default value: true


Style for less and greater than (<, <=, >, >=) statements.

Allowed types: bool and null

Default value: null


Example #1

Default configuration.

--- Original
+++ New
-    if ($a === null) {
+    if (null === $a) {
         echo "null";

Example #2

With configuration: ['equal' => true, 'identical' => false, 'less_and_greater' => null].

--- Original
+++ New
-    $b = $c != 1;  // equal
-    $a = 1 === $b; // identical
+    $b = 1 != $c;  // equal
+    $a = $b === 1; // identical
     $c = $c > 3;   // less than

Example #3

With configuration: ['always_move_variable' => true].

--- Original
+++ New
-return $foo === count($bar);
+return count($bar) === $foo;

Example #4

With configuration: ['equal' => false, 'identical' => false, 'less_and_greater' => false].

--- Original
+++ New
     // Enforce non-Yoda style.
-    if (null === $a) {
+    if ($a === null) {
         echo "null";

Rule sets

The rule is part of the following rule sets:


The test class defines officially supported behaviour. Each test case is a part of our backward compatibility promise.