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Persian Successor (v3.72.0) edition

Rule fully_qualified_strict_types

Removes the leading part of fully qualified symbol references if a given symbol is imported or belongs to the current namespace.



Whether FQCNs should be automatically imported.

Allowed types: bool

Default value: false


Whether FQCN is prefixed with backslash when that FQCN is used in global namespace context.

Allowed types: bool

Default value: false


Collection of PHPDoc annotation tags where FQCNs should be processed. As of now only simple tags with @tag \F\Q\C\N format are supported (no complex types).

Allowed types: list<string>

Default value: ['param', 'phpstan-param', 'phpstan-property', 'phpstan-property-read', 'phpstan-property-write', 'phpstan-return', 'phpstan-var', 'property', 'property-read', 'property-write', 'psalm-param', 'psalm-property', 'psalm-property-read', 'psalm-property-write', 'psalm-return', 'psalm-var', 'return', 'see', 'throws', 'var']


Example #1

Default configuration.

--- Original
+++ New

 use Foo\Bar;
 use Foo\Bar\Baz;
 use Foo\OtherClass;
 use Foo\SomeContract;
 use Foo\SomeException;

- * @see \Foo\Bar\Baz
+ * @see Baz
-class SomeClass extends \Foo\OtherClass implements \Foo\SomeContract
+class SomeClass extends OtherClass implements SomeContract
-     * @var \Foo\Bar\Baz
+     * @var Baz
     public $baz;

-     * @param \Foo\Bar\Baz $baz
+     * @param Baz $baz
     public function __construct($baz) {
         $this->baz = $baz;

-     * @return \Foo\Bar\Baz
+     * @return Baz
     public function getBaz() {
         return $this->baz;

-    public function doX(\Foo\Bar $foo, \Exception $e): \Foo\Bar\Baz
+    public function doX(Bar $foo, Exception $e): Baz
         try {}
-        catch (\Foo\SomeException $e) {}
+        catch (SomeException $e) {}

Example #2

With configuration: ['leading_backslash_in_global_namespace' => true].

--- Original
+++ New

 class SomeClass
-    public function doY(Foo\NotImported $u, \Foo\NotImported $v)
+    public function doY(\Foo\NotImported $u, \Foo\NotImported $v)

Example #3

With configuration: ['leading_backslash_in_global_namespace' => true].

--- Original
+++ New
 namespace {
     use Foo\A;
     try {
-    } catch (\Exception|\Foo\A $e) {
+    } catch (\Exception|A $e) {
 namespace Foo\Bar {
-    class SomeClass implements \Foo\Bar\Baz
+    class SomeClass implements Baz

Example #4

With configuration: ['import_symbols' => true].

--- Original
+++ New

 namespace Foo\Test;
+use Other\BaseClass;
+use Other\CaughtThrowable;
+use Other\FunctionArgument;
+use Other\FunctionReturnType;
+use Other\Interface1;
+use Other\Interface2;
+use Other\PropertyPhpDoc;
+use Other\StaticFunctionCall;

-class Foo extends \Other\BaseClass implements \Other\Interface1, \Other\Interface2
+class Foo extends BaseClass implements Interface1, Interface2
-    /** @var \Other\PropertyPhpDoc */
+    /** @var PropertyPhpDoc */
     private $array;
-    public function __construct(\Other\FunctionArgument $arg) {}
-    public function foo(): \Other\FunctionReturnType
+    public function __construct(FunctionArgument $arg) {}
+    public function foo(): FunctionReturnType
         try {
-            \Other\StaticFunctionCall::bar();
-        } catch (\Other\CaughtThrowable $e) {}
+            StaticFunctionCall::bar();
+        } catch (CaughtThrowable $e) {}

Rule sets

The rule is part of the following rule sets:


The test class defines officially supported behaviour. Each test case is a part of our backward compatibility promise.