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a Sensio Labs Product

15 Keys Accelerate (v3.54.0) edition

Rule php_unit_attributes

PHPUnit attributes must be used over their respective PHPDoc-based annotations.


Example #1

--- Original
+++ New
- * @covers \VendorName\Foo
  * @internal
 final class FooTest extends TestCase {
      * @param int $expected
      * @param int $actual
-     * @dataProvider giveMeSomeData
-     * @requires PHP 8.0
+    #[\PHPUnit\Framework\Attributes\DataProvider('giveMeSomeData')]
+    #[\PHPUnit\Framework\Attributes\RequiresPhp('8.0')]
     public function testSomething($expected, $actual) {}


The test class defines officially supported behaviour. Each test case is a part of our backward compatibility promise.