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Persian Successor (v3.69.0) edition

Rule php_unit_data_provider_return_type

The return type of PHPUnit data provider must be iterable.


Data provider must return iterable, either an array of arrays or an object that implements the Traversable interface.


Using this rule is risky

Risky when relying on signature of the data provider.


Example #1

--- Original
+++ New
 class FooTest extends TestCase {
      * @dataProvider provideSomethingCases
     public function testSomething($expected, $actual) {}
-    public function provideSomethingCases(): array {}
+    public function provideSomethingCases(): iterable {}

Example #2

--- Original
+++ New
 class FooTest extends TestCase {
      * @dataProvider provideSomethingCases
     public function testSomething($expected, $actual) {}
-    public function provideSomethingCases() {}
+    public function provideSomethingCases(): iterable {}

Rule sets

The rule is part of the following rule set:


The test class defines officially supported behaviour. Each test case is a part of our backward compatibility promise.